Taking advantage of a dental implants procedure gives people the longest-lasting and most natural looking and functioning replacement solution for missing or unsightly teeth. The US cost for ALL-ON-6 implants can be prohibitive, though, costing many thousands of dollars.
According to the National Association of Dental Plans, in 2017, 88 million people had no dental insurance. There has to be a cheaper way!
Why does dental care cost Americans so much money? US schooling is incredibly expensive, and dentists have huge loans to pay. Also, a hefty sum patients’ pay goes towards office overhead. Also, Huffington Post reports 65% of Medicare recipients don’t have dental insurance. Half of Medicare recipients didn’t visit a dentist in 2016. There’s got to be hope.
Even with dental insurance, people face significant out-of-pocket costs. Why? Dental plans typically cover for checkups and cleanings but they require patients to pay a significant portion over that. Dental implants often aren’t covered at all. Dental pain shouldn’t hurt the pocketbook, too. But there is an option.
It is possible for patients to get implants at an affordable cost. While you consider that, consider the perk of adding a vacation; all told, you can probably still save on the dental work. Too good to be true? Read on.
Patients recognize the high quality of professional services offered with a Mexico dentist. What’s more, you have an option to save 50-70% for all-on-6 Dental Implants in Mexico vs. the same procedure in the US.
But what about insurance? An independent investigative agency exploring dental offices in Mexico, Dental Departures, reports some dentists accept Delta Dental and other insurance. Office staff even complete the insurance reimbursement forms forpatients. A procedure performed in Mexico can be your healthy, life-changing reality.
It’s no wonder that every year, millions of US citizens travel to Mexico for tourism, study, and business. As a well-informed patient, you should also know that many travel for medical and dental purposes. Approximately 150,000 people cross the border each day. The Mexican government invests heavily in resources to protect all people. The people of Mexico are, after all, a welcoming culture. Also, with such positive reviews Dental Image is a popular destination!
Excellent care, substantially lower cost, and most US insurance accepted. That adds up to little or no cost to you. Thats smile-producing!
A patient can easily travel to San Diego International Airport, about 18 miles north of the border, Your procedure will require a follow up? Stay in San Diego or in Tijuana. Staying in Tijuana is most convenient, the hotels are familiar with the needs of the many dental patients who travel for dental procedures, and there’s plenty of sun and fun, great shopping, dining, and cultural activities.
A San Diego stay offers coastline and the bay views, shopping, sightseeing, and more; it is a beautiful city. You’d get a driver (or take the train) that whisks you to the border where a dental office representative picks you up for the short ride.
Once inside, you’re extremely impressed: state-of-the-art equipment, well-trained dentists who belong to a myriad of dental associations, and everyone is so caring and speak fluent English.
If you have any questions, just check the dental implant center Tijuana informational blog at Dental Image where you’ll learn the wide range of services offered, all at a cost significantly lower than the US or Canada. There’s even a virtual chat that’s really helpful. A helpful conversation is just a call away!
You need a vacation? Why not take advantage of low-cost and high-quality dental attention combined?
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