A Smile Helps Boost Your Immune System

The language of smiling is universal! Even babies respond positively to smiles, helping them feel safe, secure, and bonded to others. Adults, too, are naturally drawn to people who smile. When we confidently perform the act of smiling, we are undertaking an important health benefit.

That’s right, you can smile your way to better health. According to NBC News, smiles are powerfully beneficial to our health and well-being. Smiles boost moods; smiles relax the body; smiles decrease stress—and importantly—smiles stimulate our immunity, a subject of great importance.

Smiling works to make our immune system function more effectively. A smile improves our immune function through relaxation. This results in a release of powerful neurotransmitters. These are the chemical messengers that affect our physical and psychological functioning—we know that those functions are things like mood, sleep, heart rate, and immunity. Neurotransmitters are now known as neuro-immuno-transmitters because of their powerful effect on the body.


Smile - Dental Image
Smiling can boost your immune system.

The immune system limits and prevents infection. Like an army, our immunity is always on duty, always functioning, always protecting. The first defenders reside in specific layers of our skin as well as our mucous membranes. These and other defenders—organs such as the spleen—work with the cells and proteins to recognize the body’s enemies. They fight infection, bacteria, and viruses.

We know the importance of boosting immunity through hand washing. Just as smart, and probably more fun, why not improve immunity by simply smiling? We aren’t immune to smiles. In fact, smiles are quite contagious. Studies find this is quantitatively true! 

We smile when we’re comfortable with the appearance of our teeth. A positive Dental Image matters. And the best predictor of good health is to create it!

There are people, however, who do not smile. Most often, they lack a positive dental image. Self-consciousness, though, can be eliminated with regular care and hygiene, and correcting problems and issues with the teeth. Issues range from discoloration to decay, chipped teeth to overly crowded teeth.

Smiling - Dental Image
Healthy Smile – Dental Image.

The Tijuana dental professionals and staff at Dental Image recognize the important link between smiling and overall health. They strive to improve their patients’ smiles in many ways.

Some issues are easy and inexpensive to correct. Others are more complex and more costly. For example, if your pearly whites become stained, your dentist can use tooth-whitening bleaching products for noticeable results with ease and little cost.

A veneer can improve aesthetics, confidence, and also protect teeth from damage. Veneers are fabricated from a composite or porcelain into a smooth and sturdy layer that’s placed over a tooth. While not considered permanent, veneers often last for decades.

Children and youth, too, are prone to developing issues with their teeth. From cavities to increased risk for traumatic injury to periodontal disease; poor nutrition or nutritional habits, orthodontic needs, even increased awareness of aesthetics. These may lead to a call for help.

Crooked/misaligned teeth cause more than insecurity. It is important to correct the problem in order to lower one’s risk of developing other (more serious) problems such as bad breath, tooth decay, even gum disease. Other complications might include chronic headaches, TMJ, and damage to teeth.

The problems of failing dentition such as tooth wear, tooth loss, misalignment, and more, are easily remedied with All on 4 dental implants.

The procedure is a specialty in the Tijuana offices of Dental Image. Patients experience comparable results from respected dental professionals at a huge cost reduction as opposed to costs in the US and elsewhere.

Unbeatable cost for high quality care is, after all, a good reason to smile!

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