- Cosmetic Dentistry
We are specialists in cosmetic dentistry. Let us worry about the details so you can focus on your smile.
Dental Restauration with Resin
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are adequate for replacing missing teeth, as they have aesthetic and functional utilities to provide the strength you’re looking for. They will allow you to keep a complete set of teeth with a more pleasant appearance, as well as a correct occlusion and position for them. At Dental Image | Specialty Center Tijuana, We place ZIRCONIA and EMAX crowns with significant advantages, like greater resistance, the highest aesthetic quality, as well as wide durability that ranges between 15 to 30 years.Bridges
Dental Bridges
These prosthetics replace the absence of 3 or more dental units. Their placement is faster and more functional with natural appearance. Bridges are made of materials such as ZIRCONIA with higher strength, excellent aesthetic appearance, and top-quality Sculpted to look natural and only require simple care, like regular dental cleaning and easy maintenance.Veneers
Improve the appearance of your teeth in terms of shape, size, texture or position through the design of your smile and with a natural appearance of the tooth. We design your smile with accuracy, we evaluate the symmetry of your face so that your veneers have the desired aesthetic appearance, veneers are the perfect solution for deformed or chipped teeth and reduce space between them. There are different materials such as RESINS, ZIRCONIA or EMAX where our specialists suggest depending on the procedure and aesthetic objectives.Dental Restauration with Resin
Dental Restauration
Resin is a durable, minimally invasive, hybrid dental restoration thhat corrects cavities, holes, or fissures. They’re ideal for replacing amalgams.We replace resins that match the tooth’s color with a completely natural appearance that perfectly joins the damaged surface, restores function and favors dental aesthetics and excellent oral health.
Dental Image | Specialty Center Tijuana
we have the best technology.
Some people do not get their dental treatments done due to fear of visiting the dentist. But if your fears have kept you from the clinic when you’re aware you should go, don’t lose heart!
Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide can help you lose the jitters and make the whole experience stress-free. You won’t even remember when it’s over!
Request information about this fabulous service.
We Accept All Major PPO U.S. Health Insurance
We finance 100% of your treatment plan. We accept all payment types.
Book a free Online Consultation with our Patient Care Specialist, and we will answer all of your questions and explain in further detail the treatment you’re looking for.
Here’s what you will get:
- Solve any questions about dental treatments
- Information about your first Visit
- Dental Insurance Verification